Let us do good. That seems easy enough when we get to qualify and quantify to whom, how often, and in which ways. Anyone can be good to some people some of the time but the call in Galatians 6:9-10 is “Let us not become weary in doing good” and that makes the context and the application much more challenging. Doing good gets tiring because people consume kindness with a constant appetite for more without consideration of the cost or effort that it takes to show them kindness and goodness in action. Jesus knows the cost and effort to show goodness to humanity and the passage has a few promises and qualifiers that are worth noting. Thank you for being in God’s word together.

  Let Us Series Sermon 9 – Gal 6 – Sept 1st 2024

  Let Us Series Sermon 9- Gal 6 – Sept 1st 2024